on mission through sports

donate today

Your Support: The Heartbeat of Our Mission

At Sports Crusaders, we’re driven by a profound mission: to touch lives, inspire hearts, and spread the transformative power of the Gospel through sports and recreational activities. As a non-profit, faith-based ministry, our journey is fueled by God’s grace and the generous support of our community—individuals who believe in making a difference, just like you.

Donate by Mail:

Sports Crusaders
434 South Summit Drive
Holts Summit, MO 65043

The Power of Prayer: Our Foundation

Prayer is not just a part of what we do; it’s the foundation of our ministry. The prayers of our faithful supporters uplift us, guide us, and enable us to navigate the challenges of reaching out with the message of hope. Your continued prayers are a cherished gift, sustaining us and the many lives we touch.

Your Role in This Mission

By supporting Sports Crusaders, you’re not just donating to a ministry; you’re investing in the future of countless children and communities. Your generosity enables us to continue our mission, expanding the reach of our camps and ensuring that the word of God touches as many young hearts as possible.

Making Camps Accessible to All

Your generosity plays a crucial role in making our camps more affordable and accessible. Donations help offset the expenses incurred by churches, ensuring that every child, regardless of financial background, has the opportunity to attend. This support opens doors for more students to experience the joy of sports, the value of teamwork, and the depth of faith-based lessons.

Equipping and Operating with Excellence

Every donation contributes to purchasing vital equipment and sustaining the administrative backbone of our ministry. By ensuring we have the necessary tools and smoothly running operations, we can focus on expanding our reach and enhancing the quality of our camps. Your support ensures that we continue to provide impactful experiences with the highest level of care and dedication.

Investing in Leaders

Donations offer vital support to our camp coaches—inspiring college students who dedicate their summers to mentoring young minds through sports. By providing financial incentives, we can attract passionate and skilled individuals to lead our camps, ensuring that every participant receives quality guidance and encouragement. Your generosity not only supports these leaders but also amplifies their ability to make a positive difference in the lives of countless children.

Monetary Giving: Simple, Secure, and Impactful

Monetary support is the lifeblood that enables us to bring life-changing camps to communities, reaching children of all backgrounds with a message of hope, life, and eternal love. Donating is simple and secure, with every contribution directly funding our efforts to connect young people with Jesus Christ and the local church through engaging sports programs.